
中三級選科講座 講座內容包括 : 副校長簡介本校以下項目的安排: OLE SLP 領袖生上落車機制 一人一體藝政策 JUPAS校長推薦計劃 學務委員會代表簡介: 高中課程學科組合 編班機制 科目代表簡介: 數學延伸一、二 文學 以英文修讀公民科事宜 升學及就業輔導委員會代表簡介: 修讀科目及科目數目與升學的關係

有關2021-22 中一新生註冊

有關2021-22 中一新生註冊 日期:8/7-9/7/2021 時間:早上 九時至下午十二時三十分 及 下午二時至四時 地點:本校地下有蓋操場 需帶同文件: 入學註冊證 香港出生證明書 或 香港身份證 或 載有本港居民身份和出生日期之證明文件 註冊授權書(如非由學生本人或學生家長/監護人辦理) 註册程序: 填寫「中一新生資料表」 及 「中一新生樂器學習資料」(見附件),可以即場填寫或先自行列印及填妥於註册時交回 領取相關通告(包括編班試、購買校服及書籍、暑期銜接課程及其他中一新生家長/學生活動...


40th Anniversary Souvenirs & Fundraising Activity 

Since our establishment in 1985, we have been deeply rooted in and have grown with the Tai Wai community. Our commitment to providing high-quality and well-rounded education for students in the Shatin District is a testament to our Christian faith and values. While we are celebrating 40th anniversary this academic year, the school wishes to establish the "Serving Beyond Borders" Scholarship for Community Service.

This scholarship aims to sponsor students joining social service trips, cultivating Shatin Tsung-Tsiner's personality traits of being "willing to serve" and "thoughtful" while broadening their horizons. Each student who successfully applies for the scholarship will receive a subsidy of up to 50% of the trip fee (or a maximum of $8,000, whichever is lower). 

Also, to celebrate the important milestone of our school's 40th anniversary, we have designed a series of souvenirs for alumni to purchase as mementos. The 40th anniversary souvenirs will be released in two phases, with sticky notes, pens, keychains, pins, sackpack, and jackets being launched in the first phase. The proceeds from this sale will go to the fund for the "Serving Beyond Borders" Scholarship for Community Service after expenses have been deducted.