Jobs & Tenders
Job Vacancies |
Job Title |
1.An EMI Christian aided school practising small-class teaching invites application for the following teaching posts for the academic year 2025/2026 1) Chinese Language and Chinese Literature 2) Mathematics 3) Mathematics & Computer Applicants must hold a relevant degree and have passed the Basic Law and National Security Law Test required by the EDB. These posts are renewable with increment every year and may be converted into permanent posts in future. Please fill in the application form downloaded from the school website (> Jobs & Tenders ) and post it to the Principal, Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. Please indicate on the envelope the post you are applying for. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly for recruitment purpose only. 2.An EMI Christian aided school invites applications for a part-time supply teacher to teach Chinese Literature from 7/3/2025 to 7/4/2025 on a daily pay basis. Applicants must hold a relevant degree and have completed relevant professional training. Please fill in the application form downloaded from the school website ( > Jobs & Tenders) and send it to the Principal, Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. by post or fax (fax no: 26047350) before 1/3/2025. Please indicate on the envelope the post you are applying for. 3.職位名稱:設施管理助理/ 主任 (Facilities Assistant/ Officer) 工作職責:
Tenders | |
Invitation of tender | Deadline |
親子國民教育面面觀之認識中日戰爭歷史之旅 | 21st March 2025 |
台灣體育訓練交流團2025 | 21st March 2025 |
Mentorship Scheme
Target: New teachers
Objective: Experienced teachers guide and provide support to new teachers as mentors in order to enhance professional development.
Major support:
- Nurturing teaching quality
- Adapting to the school culture
- Enhancing individual professional development
- Supporting measures
Teaching: lesson preparation, lesson observation and sharing, etc.
Assessment: sharing of assignment design, assessment design and marking
Student support: sharing methods for guiding and counselling students, methods for reward and punishment
Mentors and mentees hold meetings and sharing according to the schedule given by the Staff Development Team.

Small Class Teaching
- Increased focus on student-centered and interactive learning approach, e.g. teacher-student and student-student interaction.
- Increased care given to individual differences in learning
- Enhanced support for students’ growth
Class arrangements:
Six classes in each level.
S.1-3: 26 to 28 students in each class
S.4-6: 26 to 30 students in each class

Lesson Preparation
Students finish the pre-lesson preparation tasks according to the teachers’ instructions. Then, the tasks are either marked by the teachers before class, or shared and discussed by students in class. With the constructive feedback provided by teachers, students’ learning effectiveness is therefore enhanced.
- To use knowledge gained in the pre-task to help students construct new knowledge
- To enhance students’ enthusiasm for learning; arouse “curiosity”; provide students with learning expectations; and allow them to learn in a problem-solving way
- To strengthen the interaction in class, which allows students to become more engaged

Collaborative Teaching
Collaborative teaching emphasizes the mutual learning and interaction among colleagues. Teachers of the same subject and same level jointly design teaching plans and solve teaching problem. Teaching effectiveness is enhanced.
- To establish a mutual learning, mutual support and reflective learning atmosphere among teachers
- To establish a valuable teaching material database
- To enhance teaching effectiveness

Science Park
The aim of the Science Park Project is to develop a school environment which is conducive to students’ science learning. With the concerted effort of the Science Departments, we implemented development of a number of school facilities from 2012/13 and the project was completed in 2014/15.
1. Campus Flora
2. Orchard
3. Ecological Pond
4. Rooftop Farm
5. Renewable Energy
6. Hydroponics and Aquaponics

Gifted Education
Objectives: We provide gifted education opportunities for students with outstanding performance in different disciplines, enabling them to learn under challenging conditions in order to help them explore their individual potential and develop a positive and proactive mind.
School-based class streaming policy
Subject-based programmes (2024-2025)
Programmes offered by external institutions, e.g. The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Science and Technology, etc.

S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | Medium of Instruction |
Chinese Language | Chinese | |||||
Putonghua | Putonghua | |||||
English Language | English | |||||
English Literature | English | |||||
Mathematics | English | |||||
Maths Extended Modules 2 | Maths Extended Modules 1 & 2 | English | ||||
Science | English | |||||
Information and Communication Technology | English | |||||
Technology | English | |||||
Physics | Physics | English | ||||
Chemistry | English | |||||
Biology | English | |||||
STEM | English/Chinese | |||||
Chinese History | Chinese | |||||
History | History | English | ||||
Economics | English | |||||
Geography | Geography (2nd Term only) | Geography (1st Term only) | Geography | English | ||
Business, Accounting, and Financial Studies | Business, Accounting, and Financial Studies | English | ||||
Citizenship, Economics and Society | General Studies | Citizenship and Social Development | Chinese | |||
Arts-in-Life | English | |||||
Visual Arts | English | |||||
Physical Education | English | |||||
Physical Education (DSE) | Chinese | |||||
Christian Education | Chinese | |||||
LearniVerse | LearniVerse | Chinese |
1. S.4 Core and Elective Subjects
Subjects offered | |
Core Subjects | Chinese, English, Mathematics & Citizenship and Social Development |
Elective Subjects (Group 1) | Chemistry/ Biology / Chinese History / BAFS / Visual Arts / Maths M2 |
Elective Subjects (Group 2) | Chemistry / Physics / ICT / History / Economics / Physical Education(HKDSE) |
Elective Subjects (Group 3) | Physics / Biology / Chinese History / Economics / Geography / Chinese Literature |
Remark : Maths Extended Modules 1 & 2 are offered at S5
2. Other Learning Experiences
- Five types : to promote all-round and balanced education, the school offers the following types of other learning experiences : Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development
- “One-student-one-art” Policy for senior levels : all S4 students must join one internal / external aesthetic course or interest group or school team as an extension of the “One-student-one-art/sport” Policy for junior levels
- “One-student-one-external service” Policy : The school collaborates with external organizations to organize various social services and sets a target on the number of service hours for students to encourage them to serve the community actively
3. Student Learning Profile
It serves as a comprehensive record of the learning experiences of students at senior levels.
Item | Description | Approval of information | Submission of information | Time interval |
Academic reports | Academic performance | School | School | Every school year |
Other learning experience | 5 types of other learning experiences | School | School | Every school year |
Other achievements | Internal | School | School | Every school year |
| Every school year | |
Self-account | Students’ self-reflection | ---- | Students | S6 |
Comments | ---- | ---- | Teachers | S6 |
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School

School Facilities



Volleyball Court

Meeting Room

Guidance Activity Room

School History Room


Performing Arts Room

Music Room


Study Room

Mini Hall

Lecture Theatre

Solar Panel

Rooftop Garden




Stair Painting

School Profile
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School is a government-aided, co-educational and Christian secondary school which was founded in 1985 by the Shamshuipo Church of Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong. It has been rooted and has grown in the Tai Wai community and is dedicated to providing good-quality and well-rounded education for students in the Shatin District, realizing the educational ideals of implementing our Christian faith and values.
School Motto
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13: 13.)
School Mission
We guide our practices with the Christian values of Faith, Hope and Love enshrined in the school motto, and follow the example of Jesus Christ who “ did not come to be served but to serve others ”. We believe that:
Every student has dignity, every student has potential;
Every student is educable, every student can be successful.
It is our belief that each individual student should not be denied the opportunity to have balanced development in the six domains; namely ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spiritual growth. Guided by the principles of:
Respect: Each student does have his/her own unique identity, own abilities and values.
Trust: Each individual is believed to be responsible, capable of cooperation and collaborative activities.
High expectations: Each student is believed to be gifted one way or another, educable and able to thrive.
Plentitude of opportunities: Each student is given ample opportunity to tap her/his talent and potential, as well as experience growth,
we are committed to providing a learning environment that best suits our students’ needs.