目的 (只供英文版)
- To address the schools’ major concerns that are related to student support
- To equip students with the personality traits of Shatin Tsung-Tsiners and encourage students to explore their potential
To promote integrated education
To cultivate students’ sense of belonging to the school and improve teacher-student relationships
目標 (只供英文版)
- To implement positive education to promote the well-being of students
- To widen students’ horizons by enriching their exposure to different growth and life experiences
- To cultivate students’ sense of belonging to the school and improve teacher-student relationships
- To encourage students to accept and admire differences
- To provide resources and assistance to teachers in nurturing students
沙崇人特質/表現 | 自律 | 為人設想 | 忠誠可靠 | 主動 | 樂於服務 |
價值/態度 | 自尊 | 尊重他人 | 忠誠 | 追求豐盛生命 | 貢獻自己 |
核心價值 | 追求真理、積極上進、自愛愛人 | ||||
辦學基礎理念 | 信、望、愛 |