Results of the Teacher Commendation Scheme
The five teachers with the highest numbers of votes are: Teachers No. of votes Lau Ho Yin 102 Cheung Cheuk Nga 99 Tsang Yuk Mei 81 Luk Chung Ho 79 Wong Kai Sze 68 Congratulations.
S3 Career Talk (with ppt.)
中三級選科講座 講座內容包括 : 副校長簡介本校以下項目的安排: OLE SLP 領袖生上落車機制 一人一體藝政策 JUPAS校長推薦計劃 學務委員會代表簡介: 高中課程學科組合 編班機制 科目代表簡介: 數學延伸一、二 文學 以英文修讀公民科事宜 升學及就業輔導委員會代表簡介: 修讀科目及科目數目與升學的關係
Arrangements for S1 Registration
有關2021-22 中一新生註冊 日期:8/7-9/7/2021 時間:早上 九時至下午十二時三十分 及 下午二時至四時 地點:本校地下有蓋操場 需帶同文件: 入學註冊證 香港出生證明書 或 香港身份證 或 載有本港居民身份和出生日期之證明文件 註冊授權書(如非由學生本人或學生家長/監護人辦理) 註册程序: 填寫「中一新生資料表」 及 「中一新生樂器學習資料」(見附件),可以即場填寫或先自行列印及填妥於註册時交回 領取相關通告(包括編班試、購買校服及書籍、暑期銜接課程及其他中一新生家長/學生活動...
Revised timetables to go over the final exam answer scripts
Please note the change in dates and the timetable of 5F, the venues of S5 E3.
S1 admission
Information on Secondary One Admission in 2025/26
(the section will be updated in mid-November every year)
Application for S1 Discretionary Places
2/1/2025 – 16/1/2025
【Number of places:50】
Application for S1 Discretionary Places - Information
Application for S1 Discretionary Places - Form
S1 Discretionary Place Interview
8/3/2025 (SAT)
An interview will be arranged for each applicant.
Notifying Parents of Successful Applicants
31/3/2025 (MON)
In addition to a written notice, the School will contact the parents concerned by phone that day.
Choice of Schools for Central Allocation
Mid-April to Early May
【Number of places:105】
Release of Allocation Results
8/7/2025 (TUE)
S1 Registration
10/7/2025(THU) - 11/7/2025(FRI)
Details(Chinese Version Only)
Pre-S1 Attainment Test
【A parent talk will be held simultaneously】
15/7/2025 (TUE)
Details will be delivered through school notice on 11/7.
Summer Courses (English, Chinese Debate, Drama)
English Course__AM Section
Chinese Debate Course__PM Section
Drama Course__PM Section
S1 Orientation Day
Details will be delivered through school notice on 11/7.
Talk for Prospective S1 Students (2023-2024)
Q & A (Chinese context only)
Videos of Mock Interview
Videos of Mock Interview
61st Schools Dance Festival
1C 5 HO HEI TUNG HAILEY Honours Award and Choreography Award 1D17 POON YI CHING Honours Award and Choreography Award 1E 7 IP YEE WA Honours Award and Choreography Award 1F10 HO SIN PUI Honours Award and Choreography Award 2A22 WOO YAN Honours Award...