S3 Career Talk (with ppt.)

中三級選科講座 講座內容包括 : 副校長簡介本校以下項目的安排: OLE SLP 領袖生上落車機制 一人一體藝政策 JUPAS校長推薦計劃 學務委員會代表簡介: 高中課程學科組合 編班機制 科目代表簡介: 數學延伸一、二 文學 以英文修讀公民科事宜 升學及就業輔導委員會代表簡介: 修讀科目及科目數目與升學的關係

Arrangements for S1 Registration

有關2021-22 中一新生註冊 日期:8/7-9/7/2021 時間:早上 九時至下午十二時三十分 及 下午二時至四時 地點:本校地下有蓋操場 需帶同文件: 入學註冊證 香港出生證明書 或 香港身份證 或 載有本港居民身份和出生日期之證明文件 註冊授權書(如非由學生本人或學生家長/監護人辦理) 註册程序: 填寫「中一新生資料表」 及 「中一新生樂器學習資料」(見附件),可以即場填寫或先自行列印及填妥於註册時交回 領取相關通告(包括編班試、購買校服及書籍、暑期銜接課程及其他中一新生家長/學生活動...

S1 admission

Information on Secondary One Admission in 2025/26

(the section will be updated in mid-November every year)

Application for S1 Discretionary Places

2/1/2025 – 16/1/2025

【Number of places:50】

Application for S1 Discretionary Places - Information

Application for S1 Discretionary Places - Form

S1 Discretionary Place Interview

8/3/2025 (SAT)

An interview will be arranged for each applicant.

Notifying Parents of Successful Applicants

31/3/2025 (MON)

In addition to a written notice, the School will contact the parents concerned by phone that day.

Choice of Schools for Central Allocation

Mid-April to Early May

【Number of places:105】

Release of Allocation Results

8/7/2025 (TUE)


S1 Registration

10/7/2025(THU) - 11/7/2025(FRI)

Details(Chinese Version Only)

Pre-S1 Attainment Test

【A parent talk will be held simultaneously】

15/7/2025 (TUE)

Details will be delivered through school notice on 11/7.

Summer Courses (English, Chinese Debate, Drama)

English Course__AM Section

Chinese Debate Course__PM Section

Drama Course__PM Section

S1 Orientation Day

Details will be delivered through school notice on 11/7.

Talk for Prospective S1 Students (2023-2024)


Q & A (Chinese context only)

Videos of Mock Interview

Videos of Mock Interview

