Mentorship Scheme

Target: New teachers

Objective: Experienced teachers guide and provide support to new teachers as mentors in order to enhance professional development.

Major support:

  • Nurturing teaching quality
  • Adapting to the school culture
  • Enhancing individual professional development
  • Supporting measures

Teaching: lesson preparation, lesson observation and sharing, etc.

Assessment: sharing of assignment design, assessment design and marking

Student support: sharing methods for guiding and counselling students, methods for reward and punishment


Mentors and mentees hold meetings and sharing according to the schedule given by the Staff Development Team.

Small Class Teaching


  • Increased focus on student-centered and interactive learning approach, e.g. teacher-student and student-student interaction.
  • Increased care given to individual differences in learning
  • Enhanced support for students’ growth

Class arrangements:

Six classes in each level.

S.1-3: 26 to 28 students in each class

S.4-6: 26 to 30 students in each class

Lesson Preparation

Students finish the pre-lesson preparation tasks according to the teachers’ instructions. Then, the tasks are either marked by the teachers before class, or shared and discussed by students in class. With the constructive feedback provided by teachers, students’ learning effectiveness is therefore enhanced.


  • To use knowledge gained in the pre-task to help students construct new knowledge
  • To enhance students’ enthusiasm for learning; arouse “curiosity”; provide students with learning expectations; and allow them to learn in a problem-solving way
  • To strengthen the interaction in class, which allows students to become more engaged

Collaborative Teaching

Collaborative teaching emphasizes the mutual learning and interaction among colleagues. Teachers of the same subject and same level jointly design teaching plans and solve teaching problem. Teaching effectiveness is enhanced.


  • To establish a mutual learning, mutual support and reflective learning atmosphere among teachers
  • To establish a valuable teaching material database
  • To enhance teaching effectiveness

Science Park

The aim of the Science Park Project is to develop a school environment which is conducive to students’ science learning.  With the concerted effort of the Science Departments, we implemented development of a number of school facilities from 2012/13 and the project was completed in 2014/15. 


1. Campus Flora
2. Orchard
3. Ecological Pond
4. Rooftop Farm
5. Renewable Energy
6. Hydroponics and Aquaponics

Gifted Education

Objectives: We provide gifted education opportunities for students with outstanding performance in different disciplines, enabling them to learn under challenging conditions in order to help them explore their individual potential and develop a positive and proactive mind.


  • School-based class streaming policy

  • Subject-based programmes (2024-2025)

  • Programmes offered by external institutions, e.g. The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Science and Technology, etc.