Arrangements for drama and debate courses for S1 promoters for 25/8 (Thursday)

若天文台於25/8(星期四)上午7:00,發出3號或以上颱風信號、紅雨或黑雨暴雨警告,或教育局宣佈學校停課,該天之暑期戲劇及辯論課堂將會取消,學生毋須回校。 有關課堂將改於26/8(星期五)上午補回,時間、地點不變。如上述天氣情況於星期五仍維持,或教育局宣佈學校停課,則學生毋須回校,有關課堂亦未能再補回。

Notice on the replacement of 'Face-to-face interview' by 'Home Assessment' in S1 Discretionary Places Application 2022-23

Concerning the arrangement of S1 Discretionary Places Application Interview, in view of the latest coronavirus pandemic situation, the ‘Face-to-face Interview’ will be replaced by ‘Home Assessment’ in order to minimize applicants’ potential health...