5A 8 LAM KA CHI Emergent Outstanding Team 5A15 SHAN JUNXIANG Emergent Outstanding Team 5A20 TSANG TSZ YING Emergent Outstanding Team 5C24 WONG YIN TUNG Emergent Outstanding Team
(S1) (中一) 1D 5 CHIU HEI SHUN Second Prize 1D13 LAU CHEUK WAI Second Prize 1D16 LEE HO CHUN AIDEN Second Prize 1D21 TSANG CHI CHUNG Second Prize (S2) (中二) 2D 2 CHEN YIN CHAI Award of Merit 2E 2 CHENG CHEUK KIU Award of Merit 2E 7 HUI WANG CHAK Award...
1A12 HO HEI TUNG HAILEY Outstanding Stage Effect, Outstanding Cooperation 1B22 YANG LOK YIU JASON Outstanding Stage Effect, Outstanding Cooperation 1C11 LEUNG YAN SHIN Outstanding Stage Effect, Outstanding Cooperation 1C22 WONG TUNG CHING Outstanding...