To address the school’s major concerns that are related to student support
To help students develop the personality traits of Shatin Tsung-Tsiners
To help students learn from their mistakes
To incorporate elements of positive education into committee work to promote the well-being of students
To widen students’ horizons by enriching their exposure to different growth and life experiences
To help students develop the personality traits of Shatin Tsung-Tsiners, in particular
a. to be self-disciplined
b. to be thoughtful and
c. to be trustworthyTo provide assistance to students or teachers to help them deal with discipline matters or class building
School Regulation
- respect and show consideration for the Principal, teachers, other staff members and fellow students
- wear tidy and proper school uniform, have proper appearance and behave decently, both within and outside the school campus
- keep the school campus clean and handle school property properly
- be enthusiastic in learning and follow classroom regulations
- be self-disciplined in punctuality, bringing all necessary things for learning and submitting assignments
- keep quiet when going upstairs, lining up, having lessons and attending assemblies
- be honest to teachers and parents, and in assignments, quizzes, dictations, tests and examinations
- show up punctually upon teachers' appointment or request and follow procedures regarding taking leaves
- obtain permission from the school before using the school's name, the school badge or any school facilities
- observe the "Student Performance Indicators and Disciplinary Measures for Irregularities or Misconduct" and all arrangements made by the school
- to leave the school campus before the school is over unless prior approval from the school is obtained
- to enter staff rooms or special rooms unless permitted by the school or the teachers
- to damage school reputation
- to smoke, gamble, display any other forms of indecent behavior or use any improper language
- to bring gambling tools, card games, dangerous materials or equipment publications with unhealthy content, etc without prior approval from the school. For students who want to seek approval for bringing cameras on any school day, reasons must be provided. With prior approval from the school, all students concerned have to hand over their cameras to the teacher concerned for temporary storage.
- Short-sleeved white shirt
1. plain white shirt (no patterns)
2. one patch pocket on the left bodice only
3. the school badge should be stitched on the patch pocket of the shirt - Plain white vest
- Plain grey trousers
1. length of trousers: no socks should be seen when standing
2. style and colour: please refer to the sample provided by the school (trendy or peculiar style would not be allowed)
3. no pleats (box pleat, knife pleat etc.)
4. plain black leather belt
- Dress
1. square-necked circular white dress with set-in sleeves
2. blue-coloured facing around the neck, the lower edge of the sleeves and the hem
3. pointed patch pocket on the left with the school badge on
4. center back with a zip and with slip pockets along the side seams of the dress
5. white waistband of same material with press studs (should be fastened properly)
6. length of the dress: should cover the knees when standing - Plain white underskirt

- Long-sleeved white shirt (For details in this regard, please refer to the rules for summer uniform as stipulated in 1.1 A.)
- Plain white vest
- Plain grey trousers (For details in this regard, please refer to the rules for summer uniform as stipulated in 1.1 C.)
- School tie
- Long-sleeved plain white shirt (no patterns)
- Dress
1. navy blue, sleeveless dress with double box pleats
2. the front of the dress is square-necked while the back is round-necked
3. center back with a zip and a slip pocket along the side seam of the dress
4. belt of same material and colour with press studs (should be fastened properly)
5. length of the dress: should cover the knees when standing - School tie

3.1 When wearing summer uniform, students may wear approved navy blue cardigans, sleeveless pullovers or grey sweaters of a proper length and bearing the school initials "STTSS". If the temperature falls below 20 degree Celsius, students may wear the black blazers.
3.2 When wearing winter uniform, students may wear approved black blazers, navy blue cardigans, sleeveless pullovers or grey sweaters of a proper length and bearing the school initials "STTSS".
4.1 Students should wear proper sports uniform when having P.E. lessons or other sportswear of the house or school team when having other ball games
4.2 Students may wear sports uniform on school days with P.E. lessons or school sport team training. Regarding wearing sports uniform on school days with special activities, school approval must be obtained in advance.
Students should wear black leather shoes (with heels not exceeding 2.5 cm) and plain quarter length white socks without labels that at least cover the ankles. Students must wear sports shoes for P.E. lessons.
6.1 Students can wear scarves and gloves of plain grey, white, blue or black.
6.2 After 6 a.m. , if the Hong Kong Observatory announces that the temperature in Shatin region falls below 12 degrees Celsius or "Cold Weather Warning" is in force,
6.2.1 girls can either wear grey or black trousers (for details, please refer to the rules for boys’ summer uniform) or winter sport uniform.
6.2.2 students can wear long-sleeved BLACK or DEEP BLUE down jackets if they still feel not warm enough when wearing the school cardigans and blazers.
6.3 Students can obtain instant information about the latest weather condition that day from the Hong Kong Observatory on 1878200, or go to the website at
- fringe should not cover eyebrows. At the back, hair should only just touch the collar of the shirt
- the sideburns should not go beyond the mid-ear level
- no peculiar hairstyles
- no styling products
- no perm and dyeing of hair
- fringe should not cover eyebrows
- hair hanging on both sides of the face should not cover the ears
- if hair reaches shoulder, it should be bundled properly and tidily in a tight bun, a ponytail or two braids
- use plain rubber bands and hairpins of the same colour and of appropriate size and style
- no peculiar hairstyles
- no styling products
- no dyeing of hair
8.1 Girls can only wear one pair of identical transparent, blue, black or silver pins in the holes on their ear lobes (one on each side)
8.2 No ornaments in the form of hairpins, necklaces, bracelets, wrist string, rings, earrings, tie clips or key chains etc are allowed.
9.1 No long nails or nail polishing
9.2 No make-up
9.3 No cosmetic contact lenses
9.4 No beards
10.1 Wearing full set of school uniform or House T-shirt with trousers / skirts which cover the knees
10.2 Wearing clothing permitted by the teacher-in-charge when attending specified activities
10.3 Not wearing sandals, slippers or high heels
10.4 Not wearing or bringing unapproved jackets
Students who fail to observe the following procedures would be considered violating the regulations regarding taking leaves or playing truant, and would be disciplined with demerit points and minor demerits respectively.
- Students absent from school owing to illness must notify the school by phone in person or by their parents within the first period in the morning (for whole-day absence or absence in the morning) or afternoon (for absence in the afternoon only).
- Students absent on any one day must produce a parent's letter to the teacher concerned on the next school day.
- Students absent on two consecutive days (including those who are absent for some lessons only) or more must produce a parent's letter together with a medical certificate on the first school day they return to school.
- If a senior form student is absent from a test, the student concerned must produce a parent's letter together with a medical certificate on the first school day they return to school in order to have a mark projection.
- Students absent from special school activities (like Speech Day, School Picnic, Christmas Service, Sports Day, Parents' Day, post-exam activities, and whole form activities) must produce a parent's letter together with a medical certificate on the first school day they return to school.
- Students who are frequently absent from school may not be promoted to the next level.
- Students must obtain approval from the school with a parent's letter (together with a copy of the medical appointment card or the admission form, etc.) two school days in advance.
- a) In case of urgent matter, students have to call to notify the school.
b) Students must produce a parent's letter on the first school day they return to school.
c) If the reason given is not accepted, students would be considered violating the regulations regarding taking leaves or playing truant. - Students who are frequently absent from school may not be promoted to the next level.
- Students leaving the school within school hours are considered taking an early leave.
- Students must obtain approval from the school with a parent's letter (together with a copy of the medical appointment card or the admission form, etc) two school days in advance.
- Any student taking an early leave must be picked up by his / her parent(s) unless he / she has obtained approval from the school in writing two school days in advance.
No approval will be granted to any student who applies for a leave due to traveling on the days when they must attend school or school activities (like Speech Day, School Picnic, Christmas
Service, Sports Day, Parents' Day, post-exam activities and whole form activities). Offenders may be disciplined with 2 demerit points or 1 minor demerit
Once students have joined the clubs, they have to observe the following regulations.
Students must produce a parent's letter to the teacher-in-charge after the leave
- Students must obtain approval from the teacher-in-charge with a parent's letter in advance.
- a) Student who cannot notify the school in advance must inform the school by phone
b) Students must produce a parent's letter to the teacher-in-charge after the leave.
c) If the reason given is not accepted, students would be considered playing truant or violating the regulations regarding taking leaves.
To allow parents easier communication access to students taking activities outside school (e.g.supplementary study, music lessons). However, the school does not encourage students to spend lots
of time using mobile phone.
- Under no circumstances should students be allowed to use any function of mobile phone within the school premises.
- Parents should call the school office in order to inform students of any urgent event. There are telephones in the school for students to phone parents during recess time, lunch time and after school.
- On school days with lessons, students should shut down any function of mobile phones and put their mobile phones into their lockers in the first lesson.
- Students can get back their mobile phones after school. They are not allowed to take out their phones during lunchtime.
- On special school activities days, Saturdays and school holidays, students should keep their mobile phones by themselves. However, students are not allowed to retrieve and use any function of mobile phone while on campus. They should shut down any function of mobile phone.
- In case students violate the above regulations, the school will keep their mobile phones, which will be returned to the students the next school day after school. The students concerned will
receive a written record or a demerit point. Students who violate the aforesaid regulations and at the same time commit other offences may receive heavier penalty commensurate with the
Enabling students to resolve all problems related to failures to hand in homework within the shortest period of time
Helping students develop the virtues of self-discipline, self-respect and self-motivation
- Period: From September to June, excluding the two examinations and Uniform Test
- Time: 3:10 - 4:10 p.m. (Lightened timetable), 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. (Normal timetable)
- AII students must hand in their assignments before the end of the first recess. Students who fail to hand in assignments on time must explain to the subject teachers in person.
- The first cycle of the first term will be the grace period (first two cycles for S1 students). Students who fail to hand in assignments on time need not go to the SIC.
- Afterwards, students who fail to hand in assignments on time for the same subject as further detailed in the following table will be sent to the SIC. Students who have attended the SIC for the
same subject for every four times will be disciplined with a demerit point. - All failures to hand in assignments in the first term will not be carried forward to the second term.
Subjects | No. of failures to hand in assignments that leads to attending SIC |
Subjects with 1 to 3 periods per cycle | Third failure and onward |
Subjects with 4 to 6 periods per cycle | Fifth failure and onward |
Subjects with 7 periods or above per cycle and Mathematics | Seventh failure and onward |
Discipline Award
Outstanding Shatin Tsung-Tsiner (Conduct Grade A) | All students | Student with outstanding and all-round performance and conduct, nominated and approved by teachers. |
Most Disciplined Shatin Tsung-Tsiner | All students | Student with:
Outstanding Prefect | All prefects | Prefect with outstanding performance, nominated by the committee of prefect team and approved by teachers. |
Well-disciplined Student of the class | S.1 - S.5 Students | Student with:
Best Line-up Class* | Inter-class competition on form basis. S.6 classes are exempted in the second term | Awarded to the class which can stand in a straight line and everybody in upright position. Students’ attentiveness during the morning assembly is also considered. |
Most Punctual Class # | Awarded to the class with the smallest number of students who are late during the school term | ||
Best Attendance Class # | Awarded to the class with the smallest number of students who are absent during the school term | ||
Best–Disciplined Class # | Awarded to the class with the smallest number of discipline cases recorded during the school term |
- Two Categories of Awards
- On Individual basis
- On Class basis
- Awards on Individual Basis
- Outstanding Shatin Tsung-Tsiner (Conduct Grade A)
傑出沙崇人(操行甲等獎) - Most Disciplined Shatin Tsung-Tsiner
紀錄優異沙崇人 - Outstanding Prefect
傑出領袖生 - Well-disciplined Student of the class
- Outstanding Shatin Tsung-Tsiner (Conduct Grade A)
- Awards on Class Basis: Inter-Class competition within each form
- Best Line-up Class 最佳列隊獎
- Most Punctual Class 最佳守時獎
- Best Attendance Class 最高出席率獎
- Best-disciplined Class 最佳紀率獎
- Details of Individual Awards
- *Note for electing Well-disciplined Students of the class:
- No discipline, SIC and late record from September to November for the election in the first term;
No discipline, SIC and late record from January to May for the election in the second term. - Form teachers should give clear instructions and remind students to be serious before they vote.
- Details of Individual Awards
- * Note for the Best Line–up Class: # Note for the Most Punctual Class / Best Attendance Class / Best–Disciplined Class: STTSS Grand Prize
- Members of the Discipline Committee will check randomly in the playground during morning assemblies. The class with the best performance will be awarded.
- Other classes with good performance will also be awarded.
- Statistics of lateness / attendance / discipline cases will be collected at the end of each school term. No prizes will be given if the gross number of lateness / absence / discipline cases of the best class exceeds 0.5 time per student.
- Other classes will still be awarded with certificates or presents if the gross number of lateness / absence / discipline cases of the class does not exceed 0.5 time per student.
- Statistics of line-up performance / lateness / attendance / discipline cases recorded will be collected at the end of each academic year. Three prizes will be awarded to the class with good line–up performance and the smallest number of lateness / attendance / discipline cases during the academic year respectively. No prizes will be given if the gross number of lateness / absence / discipline cases of the best class exceeds 1 time per student.
- 2023/24
- 2022/23
- 2021/22
- 2020/21
- 2019/20
- 2018/19
- 2017/18
- 2016/17
- 2015/16
- 2014/15
- 2013/14
- 2012/13
- 2011/12
- 2010/11
- 2009/10
- 2008/09
- 2007/08
- 2006/07
New Identity Scheme
To give students a chance to make amends for their misconduct and make a fresh start.
To help students to develop the virtue of self-discipline
Only those students who have committed one minor offence and are disciplined with 1 or 2 demerit point(s) can join this scheme.
Students can join this scheme twice in each academic year.
Students who successfully fulfill the requirements of this scheme may have 1 to 4 demerit point(s) revoked at the end of the academic year.
The criteria for fulfilling the requirements of this scheme include sufficient service hours, self-reflection and observing school regulations during the observation period. The details are as follows:
Application for revoking 1 demerit point
Application for revoking 2 demerit points
Service hours
(mainly cleaning the campus)
1 hour
2 hours
1 hour
Observation period
2- cycle days
4 -cycle days
Once a participant breaks any school regulations during the observation period, the service hours and the observation period will be lengthened or he/she will be suspended from the scheme immediately.
Any participant failing to fulfill the requirements under this scheme cannot join it more than twice in the same academic year.
Deadline for application: within 10 school days starting from the date stated in the official notification sent out to parents by the school
The school reserves the right to add, delete or revise the terms and conditions of this scheme without prior notice.