- 利用小班教學的優勢提升學生的自主學習能力
- 利用小班教學的優勢加強在課堂上的生生及師生互動
- 提高學生讀、寫、聽、說的綜合能力
- 融入正向教育元素
- To increase students’ interest in learning English and spontaneity in communicating in English
- To develop a language-rich environment for students
- To design and improve the curriculum to improve students’ English proficiency
- To nurture students’ thinking skills and increase their awareness in applying these skills in daily life
- To align with the school’s major concerns
- To ensure quality in teaching and further enhance teachers’ professionalism in English teaching
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching to promote more interactions in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To incorporate elements of positive education into the curriculum
- To enhance students’ capability in mastering the content and skills needed for attempting public examinations
- To promote a rich English learning environment
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
- According to the CDC Mathematics syllabus, the purposes of teaching Mathematics are :
a. To introduce some basic Mathematical concepts to students, to continue the development of numeracy, and to help students acquire and apply the skills
b. To provide, at all levels, more experience with numbers by introducing a general sense of the pattern and power of Mathematics both as a tool and as a part of our cultural heritage
c. To prepare students to understand everyday applications outside the classroom and provide a basis for further work and studies - To ensure quality education
- To align with the school’s major concerns
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To strengthen the ability of students in self-regulated learning to enhance learning effectiveness
- To address the learning diversity of students
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To strengthen the professional development of teachers
To help with the development of the panels concerned
a. to coordinate the work of the Chinese History Panel, the Christian Education Panel, the Economics and BAFS Panel, the Geography Panel, the History Panel and the Liberal Studies Panel
b. to enhance professional development and exchange among the committee members
To assist all panels concerned in realising the school aims and reaching the goals set by the Academic Affairs Committee, in particular those related to students’ intellectual development
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interaction in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To incorporate elements of positive education into committee work to promote the well-being of students
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
- To review committee policies to meet students’ needs arising from changes in the education environment
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- 配合學校發展計劃
- 增加學生對國家的了解
- 訓練學生的思考能力
- 發揮小班教學優勢、促進學生自主學習
- 鼓勵學生參與校外活動,擴闊視野
- 增加學生對國家的了解,能連繫國家歷史與今日局勢的關係
- 訓練學生的思考能力,能多角度分析史事及人物
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching to promote more interactions in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To enhance students’ capability of mastering the content and skills in attempting public examinations
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
To stimulate students’ interest in, and enthusiasm for, the study of geography
To equip students with better geographical knowledge of our community, our country and the outside world
To enhance students’ knowledge of global interactions
To help students develop personal and social values towards the environment and the well-being of mankind
To equip students with various geographical skills for their future lives
To foster students’ ability to think independently
To develop students’ high-order thinking and creativity
To enhance the effectiveness of both teaching and learning in Geography
To align with the school’s major concerns
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interactions in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To enhance students’ capability of mastering the content and skills (e.g. geographical skills) in attempting public examinations
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To cultivate students’ interest in learning Geography
- To strengthen teachers’ professional development
To help address the school’s major concerns and goals set by the AAC
To help students build up a general awareness of mankind’s cultural heritage as well as political and socio-economic evolution so as to enable students to gain a clear understanding of the world in which they live
To help students develop self-learning ability
To help students develop the ability to think critically, make sound arguments and communicate effectively
To enhance students’ ability to develop personal and social values through fostering students’ awareness and appreciation of the past
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching to enhance students’ self-regulated learning
- To enhance students’ capability in mastering the content and skills needed for attempting public examinations
- To address students’ learning diversity
- To strengthen teachers’ professional development
- 利用切合本科需要的自主學習策略,進一步提升學與教的效能
- 鼓勵學生參與校外活動,以擴闊學生視野
- 增加學生對社會時事的了解,成為一個有識見的公民
- To promote self-regulated learning and help students acquire good learning habits
- To motivate students in learning science and technology
- To address students’ learning diversity
- To promote self-regulated learning and help students acquire good learning habits
- To motivate students in learning science and technology
- To address students’ learning diversity
To align with the school aims to develop students’ abilities
To develop students’ interest in life science and ability to acquire and apply knowledge in this scientific and technological world
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning and teaching effectiveness
- To widen students’ horizons by enriching their exposure to different growth and life experiences
- To address students’ learning diversity
- To enhance students practical skills in laboratory work
- To facilitate the teaching and learning of the biology curriculum
- To enhance students’ capability of mastering the content and skills needed to attempt the HKDSE
- To strengthen teachers’ professional development
- To develop students’ interest in the world of Chemistry and help them derive pleasure from it
- To raise students’ awareness of the social, economic, environmental and technological implications of Chemistry, and encourage them to show concern about the local environment and society
- To help students acquire the ability to think scientifically and independently, and to make rational decisions
- To align with the school aim which is related to the academic development of students
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interactions in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To help students master the concepts and skills in Chemistry and develop students’ interest in learning Chemistry
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
To align with the school aims to develop students’ abilities
To help students acquire different skills in solving problems independently
To expose them to different areas of Physics so as to initiate them into exploration in the world of Physics
- To promote self-regulated learning through small-class group teaching if applicable
- To motivate students in Physics learning
- To address students’ diversity
- To pass on the knowledge of science and the basic experimental skills to students
- To align with the school’s major concerns
- To make use of the advantages of small classes to implement various tactics to enhance students’ self-regulated learning
- To widen students’ horizons by enriching their exposure to different growth and life experiences
- To help students develop curiosity and interest in science
- To help students acquire knowledge of the use of appropriate instruments in scientific experiments
- To strengthen teachers’ professional development
- To address the school’s major concerns
- To impart basic knowledge of computer studies, information technology, communication technology and their daily application required by CDC
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interactions in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To widen students’ horizons by enriching their exposure to different growth and life experiences
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
To formulate a set of school-based developmental strategies for cultural subjects aligning with the direction and recommendations provided by the EDB and the School Academic Affairs Committee
To enhance students’ abilities with an all-rounded education
To coordinate the pace of development among the cultural subjects
To coordinate cultural subjects by encouraging more exchange among teachers and arranging more joint activities
- To promote self-regulated learning and develop students’ generic skills by allowing more individual participation in small-class teaching
- To promote project learning teaching tactics among the cultural subjects
- To strengthen teachers’ professional development
To align with the school aims to develop students’ abilities
To develop creativity and critical thinking and nurture aesthetic sensitivity
To build up cultural awareness and positive values through arts activities
To enable students to gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participation in arts activities
To help students pursue a life-long interest in arts
To integrate different art-forms into students’ projects with a theme close to their lives
To promote self-learning habits and various generic skills
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interaction in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To incorporate elements of positive education into committee work to promote the well-being of students
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
- To review committee policies to meet students’ needs arising from changes in the education environment
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning
- To increase students’ interest in sports, to develop a regular habit of doing physical exercises
- To promote students’ body coordination and enhance their physical fitness to stay healthy
- To promote cooperation with others in the group
- To enhance the ability to judge
- To master basic motor skills and knowledge
- To strengthen the appreciation of beauty
- To strengthen the sense of belonging to their group
- To construct a diversified curriculum, so that students can choose their interest in different kinds of sports and establish an active lifestyle
- To align with the school’s major concerns
- To make use of the advantages of small-class teaching and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To address students’ learning diversity
- To develop students’ good health with physical exercise and to enhance their physical fitness
- To cultivate students’ active lifestyle through motivating students to participate in various kinds of sport activities
- To enhance students’ appreciation and knowledge of sports
- To strengthen the sense of belonging to the class through participating in the competitions during PE lessons
- To train student leaders
- To improve students’ thinking and organizing skills
- To help students to understand and utilize the sports facilities in our community
- To enhance students’ capability of mastering the content and skills need to attempt public examinations
- To align with the school aims to develop students’ abilities
- To develop students’ creativity and critical thinking ability
- To strengthen their abilities to appreciate and create various forms of visual arts work
- To develop students’ perceptual abilities, generic skills and meta-cognition
- To nurture their life-long interest in visual arts
- To help them acquire the sense of happiness, enjoyment and satisfaction through taking part in art activities and creation
- To help them understand that arts, technology and society are interdependent
- To promote local and traditional cultures and values
- To enable students to acquire a foundation for pursuing educational and career opportunities in the visual arts and creative industries
- To use small-class teaching to promote more interaction in lessons and to strengthen students’ abilities in self-regulated learning in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To incorporate elements of positive education into committee work to promote the well-being of students
- To advance teachers’ professional knowledge and promote exchange among teaching professionals
- To review committee policies to meet students’ needs arising from changes in the education environment
- To reflect the effectiveness of teaching and learning